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Bombshell report from CBS 2 in NYC highlights deadly loophole, 12 years of Fahy complicity. 


ALBANY N.Y.:  State Senate Candidate Ted Danz is reacting today to an investigative report by CBS 2 in New York City that highlights a gaping loophole in state law that allows drug impaired drivers to get away with murder. The heart wrenching report (see link at bottom) highlights the case of Kristian Roggio, killed by a driver impaired after ingesting “dust off” a common keyboard cleaner. The driver crossed the double yellow line, and hit Kristian’s car dead on - killing her. Prosecutors could not convict him however, because “dust off” is not specifically listed in state law as a drug that can cause impairment. The list in question is contained in Section 3306 of New York State’s Public Health Law. No such specific listing is required to convict a suspect of driving while under the influence of alcohol. Despite serving in the Assembly Democrat Majority since her 2012 election, and co-sponsoring legislation on the topic, Fahy has failed to even get the bill out of committee. First introduced in 2021, A174 has never left its committee. 


“Pat Fahy is great at handing out government money from pork barrel grants, but utterly inept when it comes to getting real things done to protect our community,” said Ted Danz (R-C Altamont). “She remains ‘proud’ of her votes on the state’s disastrous bail reform law, while also failing to pass this commonsense legislation which would give police the latitude they need to arrest and prosecute drivers under the influence of drugs. While she couldn’t get this important bill passed, her record shows she did have the time to pass a resolution honoring ‘Def Jam Recordings’ upon the occasion of its 40th anniversary. You just can’t make this stuff up.” 


Earlier this year Danz also pointed out Fahy’s vote to legalize adult use marijuana in the State without insisting on strong safeguards to measure impaired driving. At the time Fahy said she “talked on the floor” about her concerns on driving while impaired when she voted “Yes” to legalize marijuana. Unfortunately, her speech didn’t make any difference. 

“The real problem with Pat Fahy is she is nothing but talk,” concluded Danz. “She votes the wrong way and then makes a speech saying the opposite. She allows a deadly loophole to exist for years and then, under pressure co-sponsors a bill to fix it, then makes zero effort to pass the bill. As your Senator I will be a strong voice for public safety and I will take action, not just make meaningless speeches while I cast terrible votes.”


CBS 2 Report:


Enterprise Cannabis Article: Driver charged with DWAI in overpass crash | The Altamont Enterprise

October 10, 2024


September 19, 2024

Danz Rips Fahy for being “proud” of Bail Reform

Danz Rips Fahy for being “proud” of Bail Reform


Albany N.Y. State Senate Candidate Ted Danz (R-C, Altamont) has released a new ad running on electronic and social media, ripping Democrat candidate Pat Fahy for her continued support of the state’s failed bail reform law and refusal to acknowledge its connection to increased violent crime.

During an interview in June where she endorsed progressive Democrat District Attorney candidate Lee Kindlon, Fahy took the opportunity to reaffirm that she was “proud of her votes on bail reform.” Her astounding admission comes at a time when victims and their families are being forgotten while Fahy and her elitist left-wing colleagues continue to say, “let them eat cake.”

“Pat Fahy voted for the original bail reform bill and as a result many law-abiding citizens have been abused by the criminal element on our streets,” Danz said. “As the ad points out, level three sex offender Jamal Ali was charged with sexually assaulting an adult male with autism, after being released without bail. Another criminal killed a 6-week-old baby using methamphetamine - he was also released. This criminal coddling must end, and when I’m in the Senate I will fight to ensure it does.”

Sources used to verify the information in the advertisement were:

Judge releases man accused in death of 6 week-old infant under bail reform law (


Albany State lawmaker Pat Fahy endorses Lee Kindlon in District Attorney race (

The initial ad buy will run on social media and electronic platforms and the campaign intends to spend at least $25,000 on this effort. We also expect to run this ad on television in even heavier rotation as we move into the final weeks of the campaign. “Pat Fahy is an ally of criminals over law-abiding citizens, illegal immigrants over taxpayers and New York City elites over upstate voters,” concluded Danz”. “I’m running to be a voice for those hard working upstaters who Albany insiders like Pat Fahy forgot a long time ago. The time for change is now, and we will not stop until Fahy and those like her are held accountable for the damage they have done.”


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